Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Commed : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media </strong>(P- ISSN ; <a href="" target="_blank">2527-8673</a> E- ISSN ; <a href="" target="_blank">2615-6725</a>) is a periodical scientific journal published twice a year by the Communication Studies Program at Putera Batam University. This journal is a means of publication of scientific papers for academics and practitioners who publish articles from the results of research both field research (research reports) and library research (literature review), conceptual study articles, the review of scientific books related to the problems and actual issues of communication science . The scope of this journal is mass communication / communication of social change and innovation / tourism communication / popular culture and new media, corporate communication and advertising.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Each manuscript that goes into the editorials of the journal will go through a review process with a double-blind review system, which means the writer does not know the reviewer who rated it and the reviewer does not know the author of the manuscript he rated. Journal authors who wish to submit manuscripts to this journal, Please <strong><a href="">Register</a></strong> and use the <a href="">Template Jurnal.</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Call For Paper February 2019</strong><br>Jurnal Commed akan menerbitkan vol 4 no 1 (2019). <br>Submission Open For Agust 2019 Issue. Last Date of Paper Submission : August 20 2019</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> (Ageng Rara Cindoswari, S.P., M.Si.) (Dr. Michael Jibrael Rorong, S.T., M.I.Ko)Wed, 16 Aug 2023 10:19:06 +0000OJS KONTEN MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM @LAAKFKB TERHADAP PEMENUHAN KEBUTUHAN INFORMASI AKADEMIK MAHASISWA
<p><em>This research is motivated by the information needs of students regarding academic information, often students ask for the same and repeated academic information from each student, therefore laakfkb makes innovations to use Instagram social media as a medium for conveying information about academics to meet students' academic information needs so that students can get information in detail and quickly. With the aim of knowing how much influence the variable (X), namely the Effectiveness of Instagram Social Media Content @laakfkb on the variable (Y), namely Fulfillment of Student Academic Information Needs in this research. The research method in this study is quantitative to see the effectiveness of the variables used by researchers. researchers used data collection techniques using questionnaires. the subjects of this study were 100 students of the Faculty of Communication and Business Telkom University. the results of this study indicate that the content created by Instagram @laakfkb has been effective in meeting the information needs of its students. proven by one of the tests carried out, namely the hypothesis test, the results of which obtained data significance value of 0.000 <0.05. Based on the results of this data, it can be concluded that H<sub>0 </sub>is rejected and H<sub>1</sub> is accepted. This means that the variable Effectiveness of social media content Instagram @laakfkb influences or is effective on the variable academic information needs of students. In conclusion, that Instagram content uploaded on Instagram @laakfkb is proven to be effective in meeting student information needs.</em></p>Amila Nafila Vidyana
Copyright (c) 2023 Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000FILSAFAT KOMUNIKASI POLITIK
<p>Filsafat sebagaimana yang diketahui merupakan induk dari segala ilmu pengetahuan "<em>the mother of knowledge</em>". Pada perkembangannya, filsafat tidak hanya terfokus persoalan Tuhan, Alam dan manusia saja. Namun filsafat dapat berkembang sesuai tuntutan ilmu dan pengetahuan serta kebutuhan akan ilmu-ilmu lainnya. Filsafat pada pembahasan artikel ini mengaitkan dengan proses kegiatan komunikasi yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan politik yang dikenal dengan "filsafat komunikasi politik". Studi pustaka menjadi alternatif metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini. Filsafat Komunikasi Politik merupakan pemahaman pada ilmu komunikasi terhadap perkembangan politik. Pembahasan mengenai filsafat komunikasi politik ini terkait bagaimana seseorang dapat berkomunikasi dalam dunia politik dengan menggunakan pola pikir yang dikembangkan dari filsafat, seperti pemikiran yang radikal, universal, bebas dan sesuai dengan kaidah filsafat pada umumnya. Inti dari filsafat komunikasi politik ini adalah agar hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan perpolitikan dimana seorang komunikator dapat melaksanakan kegiatan politik serta menyampaikan pesan politik kepada komunikan yang mana sifat dari pesan tersebut bersifat logis dan dapat diterima oleh komunikan secara menyeluruh. Pada proses kegiatan komunikasi politik akan memunculkan perspektif baik dari segi psikologis dari seorang komunikator dan juga mekanisme yang digunakan komunikator dalam kegiatan perpolitikan yang dilakukan. Proses dari psikologi dan mekanisme seorang komunikator pada saat menyampaikan pesan atau isi komunikasi harus sesuai dengan psikologi baik jiwa maupun raga dan situasi dari komunikan pada saat itu, sehingga kegiatan komunikasi yang dilakukan dapat berlangsung dengan maksimal.</p>Ning Ratna Sinta Dewi Ning Rat
Copyright (c) 2023 Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000MAKNA KOMUNIKASI ANTARA PERAWAT DAN PASIEN PADA MASA ISOLASI PANDEMI COVID-19
<p><em>This research is motivated by the many cases of people exposed to Covid-19 who have to carry out isolation. With an increase in positive Covid-19 patients with a very fast risk of transmission, so in this study how to communicate patients and nurses in interpreting them during isolation during a pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenology theory which has the basic assumption that humans actively interpret the experiences they feel by giving meaning to something they have experienced. Data collection techniques used are observation, in-depth interviews and literature study. There were 6 informants in this study including Covid-19 patients and nurses and 3 informants from hospitals, the Health Service and the Covid-19 Task Force. The results of the study showed that the motives of patients and nurses during the isolation period had motives to help heal Covid-19 patients and for patients to have motives to cure Covid-19 by isolating in hospitals, and motives because this is how patients and nurses can become part of Covid -19. Initially, patients with Covid-19 experienced transmission from those infected with Covid-19. In the process of isolation to divert fear. Experiences felt by patients and nurses get positive and negative experiences during isolation. This is the experience experienced by the informant who hopes that the Covid-19 pandemic will end quickly because they are tired enough to face this pandemic and it is hoped that a pandemic like this will not happen again.</em></p> <p><strong><em>keywords: </em></strong><em>phenomenology, isolation, covid-19, experience</em></p>Rosanti Utami Dewi Suyatman Yatnosaputro
Copyright (c) 2023 Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000MAKNA SIMBOLIK SUNDA WIWITAN DALAM TRADISI MEUNGKEUT BUMI
<p>This research is motivated by problems from culture in the beliefs of Sunda Wiwitan which require the existence of the "Meungkeut Bumi" tradition in the pre-marital process. The research method used in this research is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach and data collection is done through participant observation, in-depth interviews, literature studies and documentation. The theory used in this study is the ethnographic theory by Prof. Engkus Kusworno, communication ethnography is a theory that examines the role of language in communicative behavior in different societies. The theoretical assumptions include speech communities, communication activities, communication components, communication competencies and language varieties. The results of this study explain that "Sunda Wiwitan's Symbolic Meaning in the Mengkeut Bumi Tradition" is a procession which means uniting two women and men by tying a yellow and white shawl which also means that they have made promises to each other to step into marriage. The color on the yellow shawl means wind and the white shawl means water. Sunda Wiwitan is a sect adhered to by the indigenous Sundanese people or the original Sundanese religion. The Sunda Wiwitan community is spread across West Java, one of which is in Kampung Pasir, Cintakarya Village, Samarang District, Garut Regency.</p>Yayang Dwi, Ranti Pebrianti Ranti, Dede Fatimah Deffa, Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi
Copyright (c) 2023 Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000PEMANFAATAN TIKTOK SEBAGAI DIGITAL MARKETING DALAM PROMOSI KULINER BAGI PELAKU UMKM
<p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the use of TikTok in culinary promotion in Garut Regency. This study uses a qualitative method using the Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication (4C) approach. The results of this study indicate that the use of TikTok as digital marketing in culinary promotions in Kab. Garut using a customer approach can be done by considering the needs of consumers. Meanwhile, when viewed with a cost approach, namely the budget and purchasing power of the community. In addition, in the convenience aspect, the convenience of the product can be reached by consumers, such as location, number of stores, ease of transacting and so on. Furthermore, the communication approach is in the form of two-way communication which makes the message conveyed clearly and not monotonously. In addition, Digital Marketing has an impact on increasing sales volume for related MSMEs because the messages and promotions that business actors want to convey are well conveyed to consumers and cause an increase in sales volume and support the survival and development of the business.</em></p>Mohammad Firmansyah Bratadiredja
<p><em>Karst is a rocky area that is known and categorized as an area with the title of natural beauty because of its unique shape, but it is rarely known to the wider community that karst areas hold a lot of potential and historical values, for example, the karst area in Maros- Pangkep that needs to be preserved. Preservation is considered difficult to realize because there are many mining permits for karst areas that exist for the manufacture of raw materials for cement and marble. Seeing the large number of people at large who do not understand what karst is and what its potentials are in it, the authors designed a social campaign for the preservation of karst areas using promotional media that can educate the public. This social campaign invites the general public to take part in safeguarding the karst area and use it more wisely. In designing this social campaign, theories such as layout theory, color theory, typography theory, and environmental theory are used. Main focus of the social campaign of this karst area is for the environmental preservation and human survival in the future.</em></p>David Magetanapuang, Niken Savitri Anggraeni, Achmad Mucharam, Kristianus Haryandi, Win Rico
<p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>The Covid-19 pandemic requires the government to impose restrictions on community activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the government's (Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment) communication strategy for conveying information regarding the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The theory used is R.Wayne Pace's theory of public relations strategy. This study uses a qualitative research approach with descriptive research methods. Public Relations of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries presents data so that the public can understand the current situation and can also comply with the policies made by the government. In The Goals Which the Communicator Sought to Achieve, there are several obstacles that can be overcome, namely data differences with facts in the field, no budget adjustments, and the emergence of hoax news. The conclusion from this research is that the Public Relations of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment has succeeded in carrying out a communication strategy to convey information about PPKM and the Covid-19 pandemic.</p> <p><strong><em>Keyword: Public Relations; Public Communication; Communication Strategy</em></strong></p>Menati Fajar Rizki, Muhamad Sabuya
Copyright (c) 2023 Commed Jurnal Komunikasi dan Media, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000