
  • Feronica Capriati Universitas Putera Batam
  • Hikmah Hikmah Universitas Putera Batam



The rapid advancement of internet technology has had a profound impact on businesses, particularly in terms
of the convenience of online shopping. However, various challenges related to product quality, reviews, and
trust have emerged in this context. This research aimed to examine the influence of product quality, reviews,
and trust on purchasing decisions within Shopee, an online marketplace. The researchers employed a
quantitative research method, specifically an inferential approach, to analyze the relationship between variables
through hypothesis testing. A total of 204 respondents participated in the study, and data was collected through
online questionnaires employing a Likert scale. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression. From
the test results, the t value of the product quality variable countsvariable X1 is 5.188 > t table (1.972) or the
significance value of the motivation variable is 0.000 < 0.05, so the hypothesis is accepted. The findings revealed
a positive and significant impact of product quality, product reviews, and trust on purchasing decisions within
Shopee in Batam City


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