Kata Kunci:
Decision maker for tomatoes sorting, Fuzzy logic, Mamdani methodAbstrak
Tomatoes are a type of vegetable that produces fruit. Ripe tomatoes will be bright red with
a weight above 80 grams. Tomatoes can be found in the center of traditional shopping
markets and wet markets. The traders get tomatoes from farmers in large quantities so
that tomatoes are quite varied. There is a small red, there is a large tomatoes but not yet
perfectly ripe and so forth. This is quite troublesome for traders in selling tomatoes
because they have to be sorted first. To overcome this problem, we need a decisionmaking system to determine the quality of tomatoes and sort them. In this research, the
decision-making system to determine the quality of tomatoes using fuzzy logic Mamdani
method and sorting tomatoes using Arduino-based conveyer. The result of the research
can be demonstrated with the MATLAB application and manual count. The MATLAB and
manual results show no difference. The best quality tomatoes are at value 8 with red color
and large size. While the poor quality of tomatoes is at value 2 with green color and large
size. Green tomatoes are certainly not yet ripe and therefor the quality of tomatoes is still