Kata Kunci:
Database; Electricity and Water Meters; Meter Reading and Recording; OCR.Abstrak
Readings and records on electricity and water meters are frequent complaints of customers because often the usage figures used do not match the usage stated on the meter. With the construction of this system, it is hoped that it can assist officers in taking meter readings and recording more accurately. This system uses OCR (Optical Character Recognition), when the smartphone takes a photo of an object and there is a number, the system will be able to recognize and read the number. The application of Optical Character Recognition can produce an average accuracy of 96.66% provided that the meter number printed on the meter is clearly read by the system. If there are numbers that are not readable, it will cause an error in the application, it can be illegible or read the wrong numbers. To prevent wrong output from occurring in the database, the system does not immediately save the scan results to the database but will be displayed first in the box provided so that it can be checked by the officer before finally being saved to the database.