Kata Kunci:
RestoApp, Restaurant, UML, Application, AndroidAbstrak
A restaurant is a place of business that is organized in the field of business organization by providing good service to customers in the form of food or drinks carried out professionally. Wey Wey Life Seafood as one of the big restaurants located in Batam City, which provides seafood foods. From the results of observations that have been made at the Wey Wey Life Seafood restaurant, where the process of ordering food and drinks is still done manually using stationery and paper in recording orders from customers. This is considered less efficient because it takes a long time to place an order. In this study, it seeks to provide a solution by facilitating customers in ordering food and beverages by designing an Android-based RestoApp application. This application is designed to make it easier for customers and restaurant waiters to make transactions for ordering food and beverages available at the Wey Wey Life Seafood restaurant. In this study, using the DevOps method to facilitate researchers in building Android-based RestoApp applications. The results of this study are in the form of an application that can be accessed via an Android smartphone. With the help of this application, it is hoped that it can facilitate restaurant users and providers in facilitating customers to place orders at the Wey Wey Life Seafood restaurant.