Kata Kunci:
FMEA, Quality Control, FishboneAbstrak
Improving product quality is mandatory in every company to maintain customer satisfaction. This research aims to analyze the types of defects that occur in the product and to suggest quality improvement actions. In this study, the 3 biggest types of defects (Black Crest, Chatter and Chip) were analyzed. This study uses tools from FMEA, Fishbone Diagram, Histogram and Pareto. The results of the research on the Black Crest defect on the risk of excessive ovalitty pipe dimensions from RPN 135 to RPN 27, on the risk of Squareness at the pipe ends from RPN 135 to RPN 81, on the risk of swaging results on imperfect pipes from RPN 243 to RPN 81. On defects Chatter for the risk of inserting a blunt roll from RPN 243 to RPN, at the risk of corrugated pipe from RPN 243 to RPN 81, at the risk of material being difficult to roll from RPN 405 to RPN 45. On chip defects for the risk of machining program from RPN 243 to RPN 81, the risk of glass on a machine that is less clear than RPN 243 becomes RPN 81, for the risk of the operator not to withdraw the Chip from RPN 243 to become RPN 45. Based on the research it is concluded that from the results of phase 1 FMEA analysis after quality improvement with Fishbone Diagram and re-analyzed with FMEA stage 2 succeeded in reducing the RPN value.