Kata Kunci:
Breakdown, maintenance, Overall Equipment Effectiveness.Abstrak
- PT. XYZ is a manufacturing company that produces printer device components called Seal supply hole mm. The purpose of this study was to measure the level of effectiveness (OEE) of the IM 18-06 molding machine.
OEE level is obtained based on the availability, performance, and quality level of IM 18-06 molding machines. Based on the calculation results From the OEE value, it is known that the PT. XYZ company still has not reached world standards of 85%. This shows that the company still has to improve its maintenance activities.
Lowest OEE level in January In 2020, it was 68.76%, while the highest OEE level was in June 2020 at 82.37%. The low IM 18-06 molding machine process performance is caused by several factors such as the age of the machine that is too old, the absence of routine maintenance schedules carried out by the company, which causes the machine to often experience damage.