
  • Mohammad Firmansyah Bratadiredja Universitas Garut


Digital Marketing; Social media; TikTok, Culinary.


The purpose of this study was to determine the use of TikTok in culinary promotion in Garut Regency. This study uses a qualitative method using the Customer, Cost, Convenience, Communication (4C) approach. The results of this study indicate that the use of TikTok as digital marketing in culinary promotions in Kab. Garut using a customer approach can be done by considering the needs of consumers. Meanwhile, when viewed with a cost approach, namely the budget and purchasing power of the community. In addition, in the convenience aspect, the convenience of the product can be reached by consumers, such as location, number of stores, ease of transacting and so on. Furthermore, the communication approach is in the form of two-way communication which makes the message conveyed clearly and not monotonously. In addition, Digital Marketing has an impact on increasing sales volume for related MSMEs because the messages and promotions that business actors want to convey are well conveyed to consumers and cause an increase in sales volume and support the survival and development of the business.


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