DOI: Kunci:
British English, misspelling, phonology, phonemeAbstrak
This study is chosen to be the main subject in the term of linguistic study due to the popular issue in linguistic area, that is phonology, one of the focused subjects in linguistic aspect in English. Phonology also has several impacts to the people who involve in the language and linguistic subject and matter. Based from the related research, it is about the assimilation phenomenon of the English pronunciation in the speech made by a public figure in Indonesia, who is Anies Baswedan. The main purpose for this research is to find out the areas of assimilation phenomenon made by Anies Baswedan in his speech as the governor for Jakarta, and also as the public figure in Indonesia generally. This present research will use the phonological approach in linguistic study. Moreover, this present research will use the descriptive qualitative method in analysing and presenting the result of the research. This present research will analyse about the assimilation phenomenon of the English pronunciation areas in phonology study. The data source will be taken from the speech by Anies Baswedan. The approach that will be used for this present research will be the phonological approach in Linguistics.
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